Sunday, July 29, 2012

July, 2012

Only two and a half more weeks and our little girl will be joining us! We don't have a name yet, but we have a few possibilities at least!

I don't LOVE showing my "fat" picture, but here I am this week at 37 weeks pregnant:

We took this picture while visiting the "Big Buddha" at Ngong Ping Village. It was such a beautiful day! We had a typhoon level 10 last week which has cleared out the air and pollution somewhat and made for some beautiful days! This picture is of Lantau Peak. You can see the moon off to the side of the peak.

I think we have everything ready for our daughter now! I have folded and re-folded her (many) clothes three times, her bed is all set up, and we just bought a stroller!

John Paul has been so sweet! I have a hard time reaching my toes these days, so JP kindly gave me a pedicure! He did a great job, too!

Since I haven't put a blog update for a while, I missed updating about the best fireworks I have ever seen. This was on July 1st in celebration of the return of HK to China as a Special Administrative Region. The fireworks display lasted for 25 minutes and fireworks were shot from 5 barges in the bay as well as some from on top of buildings with lasers and music. It was amazing!

Our next update should be soon....with pictures of a little baby girl! :)