A few weeks ago, John Paul was promoted to captain at his job (AirMed International) to fly the Hawker 800 jet that is based here in Hong Kong. We thought this would be a fun opportunity and a perfect time in life for this adventure.
With the help of many friends and family, we packed (and packed and packed) our apartment (who knew so much stuff could be in one apartment?!) and put everything into storage except for 6 boxes which the company shipped over (well...we're still waiting for them, actually - they're on the "slow boat to China!), 4 bags and 2 computers which we brought with us on the airplane.
(Looking all teary-eyed leaving Birmingham)
On October 10th, we said goodbye to my family and boarded the airplane. It was SO hard saying goodbye! I had been so busy getting everything ready that I don't think I had enough time to think about just how far away I would be living! When I hugged my family goodbye, it all hit me! The airplane ride was SO long! We flew for 2 hours to Chicago, had a 2 hour layover and then spent 15 1/2 hours trying to sleep and watch movies from Chicago to Hong Kong. At one point I thought, "We have got to be about there!" When I looked at the time left, it said 9 hours still remaining! We were given 2 hot meals (not exactly delicious, but food anyway) and a snack.
Arriving in Hong Kong was so exciting! It was 5:00pm here, so still light outside. The weather was warm. We went through immigration and Kin met us just beyond the baggage area. Kin is the office manager for AirMed here in Hong Kong. He is the nicest guy! He is from Hong Kong so he spent the next 3 days going around with us and helping us find what we needed, taking care of paperwork, and getting into our apartment ( a few days later...)
We stayed in the Novotel (hotel) for the first 3 nights while our apartment was being cleaned from the guy who stayed here before us. Meanwhile we spent our time applying for Hong Kong id cards, buying octupus cards (used here for bus fares, fast food and subway charges - like a pre-paid credit card), applying for Chinese visas, getting a work phone for JP, etc.
The day we were able to move into our apartment, John Paul was called for a trip. AH! I had breakfast with him at about 8:30 before he left, and then I waited in the hotel until 2pm when apartment was finally ready. Kin came and helped me get a taxi to take our bags from the hotel over to the apartment. After loading our bags into the apartment, Kin left and I started to unpack and make the apartment our home. Unfortunately, I felt sea sick! We are on the 15th floor (well - it would be, except that some of the numbers are missing - such as 13 and all 4s - so 4, 14, 24 ect - due to Chinese superstition) and I felt dizzy, nauseous and like I was swaying back and forth. This lasted for about 3 days, but thankfully I am over it now!
I wrote down some things I needed, such as food for breakfast, a trash can, sheets, towels and soap. I thought I'd just "run and get them" before dinner. HA! No such luck! I guess I'm used to WalMart where you just go into the store, get what you want and leave! I went to the wet market and bought some eggs at one stand, some flowers for the table (and a vase) at another stand, and some fruit at still another. I stopped by the grocery store, but was rather depressed with the prices and I didn't know what to buy! I don't have an oven, so everything I make is either on the stove or in my rice cooker. I bought some bread (a tiny like half loaf!) and some precious butter - imported, of course. By this time I had as much as I could carry so I walked home.
Walking - I do so much walking here! In one week I've lost weight! Great weight loss program - walk all the time and eat fruits, vegetables and rice! :)
After I got back home and put my groceries away, I decided I should eat dinner. (I had only eaten breakfast at 8:30 that morning and it was now 8:30 at night). So, remember that I was tired, hungry, overwhelmed, and lonely. John Paul was gone and I by myself. I tried to talk to some people but unfortunately those who I talked to didn't speak english. I went downstairs into the little mall that's under our apartment complex. I found a little fast-food Chinese place. I pointed to the picture of what I wanted (sweet and sour pork), paid and then picked up my food when it was ready. Well, I realized that I needed chopsticks to eat with, so I asked the lady there if I could have some chopsticks. She didn't understand me, so she just said, "no!" and shook her head. I didn't know what to do. I sat down and thought, "do I eat this with my fingers?" I was so depressed! The guy sitting in the next table over spoke english and said, "Do you need something?" At that point it all came crashing down and I started sobbing! Poor guy didn't know what to do! I said, ''I...just (sob)...wanted...some...chopsticks!" He was like, "It's ok! You don't want yours?" and pointed down to my tray. Silly me! My chopsticks were black and had blended into the black tray so I didn't see them! I thanked him through sobs and apologized while still crying! His wife gave me a kind smile (though I don't think she spoke english) and the guy said, "How long have you been here?" I proceeded to blurt out my whole story, crying all the while. In the end, the food was DELICIOUS and I managed to stop crying. I did burst out into tears again when John Paul came home, of course, but I felt a lot better after that! :)
Crying - I did have a few more times of crying, such as when I tried talking to people and they kept looking down and wouldn't make eye contact and I felt like a super tall alien! I cried in front of everyone on the subway - so the big, tall, blonde alien had red glasses from crying! I'm sure that was really cute! HA! I cried for joy on Sunday morning when we walked into the church and I heard singing in english of songs that I hear at Briarwood! They even sang "In Christ Alone" - one of my favorites.
I'm done crying, though. I'm meeting friends and getting settled. On Sunday, I was able to meet in person a sweet gal named Sum! She and her husband and adorable 2 kids go to the church that we visited. Sum and I have a mutual friend in Tuscaloosa (Christie - we miss you!) who introduced us through facebook before I got here. Sum is from Hong Kong but lived in Tuscaloosa (Alabama) for 10 years where she met her American husband, Jesse. Now they live in Hong Kong where they've been for 1 year now. John Paul and I were able to go out to lunch with them after church. They took us to a Mongolian restaurant and then walked around afterwards and showed us some things that we should be sure to see while we're here. We might look around for a church that is a bit closer, but if not, we would be happy at the church that we visited. It takes us 55 minutes to get there, though, so we're hoping for one a bit closer!
Oh yes, I must tell you about Saturday! A friend, Jim, from the US, flew into HK for work so he met up with us while he was here! His daughter, Julie and her husband Kevin are good friends of ours from Tuscaloosa. Kevin is in school with me....and BETTER not beat me in finishing his degree before I do! - the race is on! ;)
JP has a 3 day trip right now. He's off to mainland China and Australia. Meanwhile, I'm not lonely at all! I've talked to Mom, Dad, Andy, Ben, Bjorn, Grandpa, Grandma, Megan and Gina on Skype, I went out for a yummy Chinese dinner with a new friend here, Gabby, and I'm meeting another new friend for lunch today! Meanwhile, I've unpacked my bags and organized most of the house. I still have a lot of cleaning to do though.
Hopefully that will catch everyone up to speed on our life here in HK! I will try to post more frequently so that I won't have such long ones after this! :)
Until then....
So glad you're documenting this adventure! And good to hear that you're settling in and met Andre Watts! :)
ReplyDeleteWow... that is pretty neat that you have started a blog for your Hong Kong experience! Looks great so far- looking forward to more posts :)
ReplyDeleteThe building probably is actually swaying. Construction in that part of the world often has large buildings built on large ball berrings so that it will sway rather than break should there be an earthquake.